Mandala Web Version 9.0 Updates
The Mandala Web is transforming into a more mandala like user interface where you can navigate by clicking beads in the central mandalas on the top level pages of the web.The Old Dutch Version
of the Mandala Web has moved to the Mandala Web Archive.
New Mandala Web Meditations and Mandala Web Workshops
pages are under construction, as well as some external link pages
who are accessable from different pages in the Mandala Web.
We just finished our participation in the ArtTour 2009
in Maastricht, on location #10 in Awareness Center Eyes.
A Video Review of this event is on the Don Renaro Art
channel on YouTube. Also view the Different Art Clips
of other Mandala Bead Game Group Members.

There is a new chapter on the Mandala Web that is devoted to the Universal HandShake Ritual.
Its intent is to connect people who are involved
in spiritual and cultural transformation groups.
We got involved in the
TransitionTown initiative
in Maastricht.
Read the reports of this process.